Tuesday, January 9, 2007

This isn't how I planned to spend my day

What kind of moron uses a ratty old timer that he inherited from a million years ago to control the lights for a major research project on studies of daily patterns of animal behavior? Professor Dude, that's who. And today, instead of revising his grant, reviewing that manuscript, writing that manuscript, or simply sitting on his ass reading blogs, professor dude did battle with this bad old thing. Today he learned that sometimes the little switchey things get loose and the lights don't turn on/off when they're supposed to. You'd think that when we have those weekly meetings where professor dude spends like 30 minutes discussing the stability of the temperatures and such in the animal room, somebody mighta mentioned something. Well, problem solved now, because the darn thing no longer keeps time at all. Two (?) hours lost tracking down replacement part, electrician, etc. The good news is that our head electrician is way cool and I'm starting to reap the rewards of longevity here. The nice cordial relationship I've managed to develop with the nitwit who was the project manager when I originally got to Urban U has also paid off. Said nitwit is now the head nitwit in charge of all tradesman. Ever since he hasn't been in charge of getting my lab built we've gotten along much better (over the past coupla years, at least), and now he's coming through for me. So stay tuned for the new hotness that is the digital programmable timer!

There was progress on other fronts today, data were had by some. I conducted my first phone interview for our job search today and that was quite exciting. I'll be posting on that business sometime soon.

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